Audit Reports

If you want to donate for any of these activities you can donate by clicking on the donate button.

A) IG Sahab Academy, Tilhar

GC has launched a dynamic academy in Shahjahanpur, U.P., dedicated to empowering youth for careers in paramilitary forces, police, and the army. This state-of-the-art facility boasts top-notch ground training areas, a fully equipped gym, and comprehensive educational resources to ensure the best preparation for their future roles.

B) Multipurpose Hall

We have erected a multipurpose hall in Tilhar, U.P., amplifying educational and sports opportunities for young minds. This vibrant space serves as a hub for learning and athletic excellence, inspiring the youth to reach new heights.

C) Digital Library

Empowering young minds through the light of education, Gurgia Charities’ digital library in Shahjahanpur is dedicated to creating a brighter future for every child. This innovative resource center provides access to a wealth of knowledge, inspiring a new generation of learners.

D) Kisaan Pathshala conducted by Brahmos Company through CSR Initiative

Our Kisan Pathshala stands as a beacon of hope, nurturing the future of agriculture with innovation and dedication. This institution is committed to empowering farmers with cutting-edge knowledge and techniques, ensuring a prosperous and sustainable agricultural landscape.

E) Vermi Compost

We are dedicated to promoting organic farming and sustainable agriculture. With our high-quality vermi compost, we aim to support farmers in naturally enriching their soil and boosting crop yields, fostering a healthier and more productive agricultural environment.

F) Empowering Underprivileged Children

गुर्गिया चैरिटीज में, हम वंचित बच्चों के उत्थान और समर्थन के लिए समर्पित हैं। गर्मियों के दिनों में, हम तिलहर, शाहजहांपुर, यूपी में बच्चों को कपड़े वितरित करते हैं। इस साल, हमने इन बच्चों को टी-शर्ट प्रदान की, और उनकी खुशी वास्तव में दिल को छू लेने वाली थी।

जब वे अपने नए कपड़े पहनते हैं तो उनके चेहरों पर मुस्कान देखकर हमें अपने काम के महत्व की याद आती है। हम इन बच्चों को मूल्यवान और देखभाल का एहसास कराने के लिए प्रतिबद्ध हैं।

At Gurgia Charities, we empower underprivileged Children. This summer in Tilhar, Shahjahanpur, UP, we distributed T-shirts, bringing smiles. Their happiness reminds us why we do what we do: to make them feel valued and cared for.”

G) Empowering Women through Vocational Training with Gurgia Charities

गुर्गिया चैरिटीज तिलहर, शाहजहांपुर में महिलाओं के लिए रोजगार के अवसर प्रदान करने के उद्देश्य से सिलाई व्यावसायिक प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम आयोजित करती है।

इन कार्यक्रमों के माध्यम से, हमारा लक्ष्य महिलाओं को आत्मनिर्भर और आर्थिक रूप से स्वतंत्र बनाने के लिए आवश्यक कौशल और ज्ञान प्रदान करना है। हमारे प्रशिक्षण सत्र महिलाओं को स्थायी आजीविका बनाने में मदद करने के लिए डिज़ाइन किए गए हैं, जिससे उनका आत्मविश्वास बढ़ता है और जीवन स्तर में सुधार होता है।

हम मानते हैं कि महिलाओं को शिक्षा और कौशल विकास के माध्यम से सशक्त बनाना हमारे समुदायों के लिए एक उज्जवल भविष्य की दिशा में एक महत्वपूर्ण कदम है।

Through vocational training, Gurgia Charities empowers women in Tilhar, Shahjahanpur. Our goal is to provide essential skills and knowledge for women to become self-reliant and financially independent. Designed to help women build sustainable livelihoods, our training sessions boost confidence and improve their quality of life. We believe empowering women through education and skill development is a crucial step towards a brighter future for our communities.

H) Creating a Brighter Future with Gurgia Charities’ Digital Library

गुर्गिया चैरिटीज की डिजिटल लाइब्रेरी, शाहजहांपुर में, हर बच्चे के लिए एक उज्जवल भविष्य बनाने के लिए समर्पित है। हम मिलकर प्रेरित करते हैं, सीखते हैं, और बढ़ते हैं। साथ मिलकर, हम एक उज्जवल कल की दिशा में कदम बढ़ाते हैं।

Gurgia Charities’ digital library in Shahjahanpur is dedicated to creating a brighter future for every child. Together, we inspire, learn, and grow. Join us as we step towards a brighter tomorrow.

I) Sculpting Futures at IG Sahab Academy

IG साहब अकादमी में, हम न केवल शरीर बल्कि भविष्य को भी संवारते हैं। हम सेना, पुलिस, अर्धसैनिक बलों और अन्य क्षेत्रों के लिए अगली पीढ़ी के योद्धाओं को प्रशिक्षण देते हैं।

हमारे यहां छात्रों को ऐसी ट्रेनिंग दी जाती है जिससे वे शारीरिक और मानसिक रूप से मजबूत बनते हैं और अपने लक्ष्यों को प्राप्त कर सकते हैं। IG साहब अकादमी में, हम हर छात्र को उसका बेहतरीन भविष्य देने के लिए समर्पित हैं।

At IG Sahab Academy, we sculpt not just bodies, but futures. We train the next generation of warriors for the military, police, paramilitary forces, and beyond. Our students receive training that makes them physically and mentally strong, enabling them to achieve their goals. At IG Sahab Academy, we are dedicated to giving every student a brighter future.

J) Gurgia Charities: Ensuring No One Goes Hungry

गुर्गिया चैरिटीज जरूरतमंद लोगों को सूखे राशन का वितरण करती है, ताकि यह सुनिश्चित कर सकें कि कोई भी भूखा न सोए। हम फूड ड्राइव का आयोजन करके इस संदेश को प्रसारित करते हैं, ताकि हर जरूरतमंद व्यक्ति तक सूखा राशन पहुंचाया जा सके।

Gurgia Charities distributes dry rations to those in need, ensuring that no one goes hungry. Through food drives, we spread this message to ensure dry rations reach every needy individual.


1) Gifted Two 5 litre and one 10 litre oxygen concentrators to PHC Tilhar

Gurgia Charities provided oxygen concentrators of 10 litres and 5 litres to the PHC Tilhar District Shahjahanpur, Uttar Pradesh. And were used by the PHC to help COVID-19 patients in dire need of oxygen. Here are some beneficiaries who have used it since then:
1. Nanli Devi W/O Akhter
2. Yachver Singh S/O Moti Singh
3. Soni W/O Vikas
4. Chamli W/O Motilal
5. Safeena Begum W/O safi-ullah
6. Meena Devi W/O Sudhir Kumar
7. Siyaram S/O Bhooparam
8. Umaree W/O Mani Kumar Yadav
9. Raghenandan S/O Ram Bharosee
10. Nirmala Devi W/O Badshah
11. Archena W/O Ram Kumar Sharma
12. Rama Devi W/O Bhagwandas
13. Shanti Devi W/O Rampal
14. Mahesh Kumar S/O Satyaram
15. Sarita Gupta D/O Saket Gupta
16. Siyaram S/O Bhooparam

2) Food Distribution

Gurgia Charities distributed food packets and other basic necessary items in Delhi and rural areas of Uttar Pradesh during the lockdown in the country. Gurgia Charities tried to provide ration to the landless labours and old age people in the rural areas.

3) Diwali Event

Happiness and smiles never decreases by being shared. This Deepavali Gurgia Charities took the chance to celebrate festival of lights at Tilhar, Uttar Pradesh. To sparkle the lives of children who have forgotten how to smile due to this COVID-19 pandemic. Gurgia Charities organized meal and distributed clothes to underprivileged children in the area.

4) Blanket Distribution

Blanket distribution activity was organised for poor people of Tilhar, Uttar Pradesh. Woollen blankets were distributed to the needy people of the area as this activity is being done by Gurgia Charities every year.

5) Reconstruction of Science and Agricultural Block

Reconstruction of four classrooms for biology and agricultural science theory and practical is going on with the CSR help of WAPCOS LTD. Gurgia Charities is constructing the remaining classrooms of LBJP inter college Tilhar Shahjahanpur Uttar Pradesh by own sources of income to give better educational environment to the underprivileged students in the area.

6) Holi and Clothes Distribution Event

Another activity was organised by Gurgia Charities for the people of the villages of Tilhar, Uttar Pradesh. Gurgia Charities every year tries to preserve the ancient tradition of the Holi ‘chaupai’ in Tilhar. Gurgia Charities distributed clothes to the needy people of the villages.


7) Wapcos Project

During the year 2019-2020, Gurgia Charities reconstructed five classrooms in LBDBRS girls school in Tilhar. Of the five classrooms three were converted in laboratories for Physics, Chemistry and Biology. The fund was provided by WAPCOS Ltd as part of the CSR project. The labs are fully equipped and will help in developing scientific skills and provide practical exposure in science subjects to the under privileged students of the area. Almost 983 girls are being benefitted under this programme.

8) Telephone Exchange

During the year 2019-2020, Gurgia Charities established a telephone exchange for the welfare of people of Tilhar, to get the knowledge of problems of Tilhar and facilitate those problems. Almost all underprivileged people of Tilhar are benefitted.

9) Reconstruction of LBJP Inter College Building

Gurgia Charities constructed new classrooms, administration block, in LBJP inter College school Hindu Pati Tilhar U.P. funded through CSR contribution of SUD CHEMIE PVT LTD. The repair of classrooms has improved the conditions in the classrooms for more than 600 boys and girls.

10) Clothes Distribution

Gurgia Charities organized clothes distribution programmes with the collaboration of Uday Foundation, New Delhi for the poor children of villages of Tehsil Tilhar of U.P. at different times.


11) Diwali Meal for Underprivileged Children

Diwali brings a smile on face and bliss on the heart. Real Diwali is celebrating it by extending joy to underprivileged children. We organized a Diwali festive meal and fed a large number of poor children at Tilhar, UP. A play was also performed by the children on the subject of Diwali.

12) Blanket Distribution

Another activity was organised for poor people of Tilhar in the month of January 2020. Woollen blankets were distributed to the needy people of the villages like Ferozpur, Samdana, Mulla Gotiya, Zikripur, Amanpur.

13) Constructed Extensive Education Facilities

Gurgia Charities constructed new classrooms, laboratories, recreational areas in Lala Bulaki Das Babu Ram Sahai Hindu Mahila College, Hindu Pati Tilhar U.P. to give better education to under privileged students of the area. Extending the benefits to almost 600 boys and girls.

14) Food Distribution

During the Corona Virus shut down period, on 30th march Gurgia Charities reached out to the landless labor, old aged people, handicap people in the semi-rural areas of U.P. to provide ration and other basic necessary items for their survival.


15) Labs Establishment

Gurgia Charities established a Physics, Chemistry and Biology labs in LBJP inter College school Hindu Pati Tilhar U.P. to give better education to under privileged students of the area. Almost 600 boys and girls are getting education through this programme.


16) Clean Mind Programme

Gurgia charities organised a 3 day programme with the collaboration of The Mothers Integral Health Centre Aurobindo Ashram New Delhi. Medical camp. Clean Mind programme and Yoga Camp was specially organised for the children. Special experts from The Mother’s Integral Health Centre New Delhi, give health and wellness tips to the students in this camp.

17) Diwali Event

Gurgia Charities organised an event to celebrate Diwali by spreading love to poor children’s of Hindu Pati Tilhar U.P.A large number of children’s participated and the theme of this activity was Peace, harmony and brotherhood.

18) Clothes Distribution

Gurgia Charities organised clothes distribution programme with the collaboration of Uday Foundation New Delhi for poor children’s of Tilhar U.P. This programme was organised at different villages of Tilhar at different times.

19) Tehzeebe Tilhar

Gurgia Charities organised a Mushaira cum kavi Sammelan under the name Tehzeebe Tilhar to promote the communal harmony through Urdu and Hindi poetry and culture in the Hindu Pati Tilhar U.P.



20) Computer Lab

During the year 2017-2018 Gurgia Charities constructed a room for the purpose of establishing a computer lab in LBJP Inter College School Hindu Pati Tilhar. 20 computer units were established to give free computer education to unprivileged children’s of the area. Almost 800 children’s are getting education through this programme of Gurgia Charities.

21) Health Camp

Health Camp was specially organized for the children and community members at large to develop a common understanding on diseases prevalent in the community. A large number of community members attended the health camp. Special doctors from outside were hired to raise the awareness about ill effects of wrong medication and the importance of consulting qualified medical practitioners. Large number of medicines were also distributed.


22) Women Empowerment Programme

Another important awareness camp for under privileged women from the villages of Tilhar was organized at Hindu Pati. The camp was held on 3rd May and was attended by large number of women and handful of Men also. In this programme they were explained in brief how empowering the women is very necessary to make the bright future of the family, society and country. At the end of the programme Note Books were distributed among the girls.


23) Training Programme

Gurgia charities has organised training programs for young boys and girls in embroidery. The emphasis has been given especially to the uneducated and unemployed youth. This programme helps lot of unemployed youth in Tilhar villages.

24) Other Activities

During the year end various activities like painting, sports competitions, symposiums and debates were also conducted at various schools where a large number of students participated and the theme of these activities was peace, harmony and brotherhood.


25) Awareness Camp on Health

During the year 2016- 2017, an important activity was conducted on health topic. In this connection various medical camps were organised at different places in Tilhar. In this awareness programme Doctors were also hired and were told to interact with the people. People were made aware of health issues, how to be healthy and can prevent diseases. Free medicines were distributed to the needy people.


26) Awareness Camp on Child Protection and Women Rights

Another camp was also organised at different places of Tilhar, where a large number of women, children’s and aged men took participation. The focus of these programmes was providing right information to the villagers about child labour, child trafficking, protection and development of the children and women. The sessions last very interactive and the queries of the participants were well answered. Participants also emphasised to the Gurgia Society to organise such kind of activities again and again for the benefit and betterment of the People specially Children, women and aged.

27) Sports Awarenes Programme

Sports activities were carried out extensively in various places of Tilhar. A big Cricket tournament was organized in the month of June 2016 at LBJP Ground Hindu Pati Tilhar and sports material, Cricket Bats, Man of the tournament and winning trophy awards were distributed to the all teams who participated in the tournament. In these sports activities our team were told to interact with the people and to explain the importance of sports activities in day today life.

28) Blanket Distribution

Another activity was organised for poor people of Tilhar in the month of January 2017. Woollen blankets were distributed to the needy people of Tilhar villages like Ferozpor, Samdana, Mulla Gotiya, Zikripor, Amanpor.

29) Clothes Distribution

Another activity was organised for the needy people of Hindu Pati. Clothes and shoes were distributed to the needy people.

Other Activities

During the year end various activities like singing competitions, symposiums and debates were also conducted at various schools where a large number of students participated and the theme of these activities was peace, harmony and brotherhood.



30) Beading and Sequel

During the year 2015-2016, a prominent activity called Beading and Sequel took place. The workshop was conducted at Tilhar village on 5th of April. In this workshop 25 people participated. In this activity a process of decoration or ornamental moulding resembling a string of beads or having a semi-circular cross section are decorated with the help of beads and as an outcome a jewellery is usually made. This final product is very much prominent among the people and also gives livelihood support to the disadvantaged communities. People were educated regarding the benefits of the activity and ways by which this activity can be helpful in providing gainful self-employment. Technical and practical training was imparted during the workshop. Experts were brought in to explain the activity in detail. The participants took keen interest and were eager to know its applicability for their benefit.

31) Water and Sanitation

Another Awareness programme namely water and sanitation was also conducted on 15th of May at Hindu Pati. Approximately, 70 people participated in the awareness programme. The people present were explained in detail regarding the necessity of water sanitation. In this awareness programme also, experts were told to interact with the people and to explain the need for water sanitation. Since the water plays an important role in day today life of human beings. Being an important issue, which concerns every one people present showed lot of interest in the subject and were eager to know about the practical methods for water sanitation. They were aware that their health, the health of family members completely depends upon water and sanitation.

32) Awareness Camp on Health

Another important activity conducted during the year was on health topic. In this connection various medical camps were organised at different places. Doctors were hired to give their services in these camps. A large number of people participated and were educated to be health conscious. Free medicines were distributed to the needy. Further in this regard various primary health centres and hospitals were visited and financial aid to these institutions was provided. Health being a major issue evoked lot of interest among the people. Another camp was also conducted by the Gurgia Charities on 3rd July at Samdana village where a large number of people took participation. During this camp specialized medical facility for the marginalised community was focused and training about hygiene and cleanliness were given to them.

33) Awareness Programme on W.A.S.H.

An awareness programme on W.A.S.H also known as water, sanitation and hygiene was organised on 7th September at Gurgia village where a large number of people took participation. In this programme people were made aware about the Village water and sanitation committees that are available in each ward\Mohalla of the village. People were made aware of the judicious use of water, right to check quality and quantity of water, to avoid defecation in open areas. One cleanliness drive was also organised in schools in adaptation of basic practises of good personal hygiene and cleanliness among children. Students were also made aware regarding the water sanitation and were also educated the necessity of proper hand wash, proper use of toilets and many more. The camps organised and awareness programme conducted were completely successful and the NGO was able to achieve the desired results.

34) Fitness Awareness Camp

In this connection yoga camp were organised at different places of Hindu Pati. Expert Yoga instructors were hired to give health and wellness tips in these camps. Gurgia Charities tried to spread the message about the rewards of regular practice of Yoga among the general public.

35) Awareness Camp on Child Protection

Another camp on child protection was also organised at school and village level. The camp was organised on 20th of January at Rajanpur where a large number of school children, out of school children and villagers took participation. The camp was focused on providing right information to the villagers and to the children about safe keeping of rights of the Children. Landline number were also introduced among them where they can get any kind of help. The session lasts very interactive and the queries of the participants were well answered. Participants also emphasised to the Gurgia Society to organise such kind of activities again and again for the benefit and betterment of the People specially Children, women and aged.